When I first realized in 2005 in Sri Lanka, my consultation chamber, car no. house no. all were 7. On flying to Thailand seat in flight was also 7, hotel room no. too. In Seoul, S.Korea, room no of hotel was not seven. but soon we got a call that we were in wrong hotel and shifted to Hotel Lotto where room no was seven.
Since than it has become part of my life and when this no. 7 comes automatically I know everything will be taken care off.
On 13th April 2014 before my return to Guwahati on 14th, Pallavi (daughter in law) was pleading to stay back in Hyderabad. She had a dream of my plane crash and everyone were crying.
It was not very disturbing to me because symbolic meaning of Plane crash is "Plan crash". Even then I was prepared for any untoward incidence.
My tickets are booked few weeks ago and most of the time seat no is 7, this time while web checking seq. no was also seven and security check no was 7. Gait no was 25F (7). God was with me.