KM is atheist over last 6 years but he doesn't want to label himself new age follower. He practices Buddhist meditation but very difficult to concentrate. Some of his issues he told me are as follows:
Recurring dreams:
Dirty bathrooms with feces
Falling from heights
Stuck at a height and unable to come back
Missing trains
In exam hall without any preparation
Many dreams of my father over the last 12 years
Other Fears:
Sexual performance, impotence
Physical hurt
Growing old
Being alone
Depression if not occupiedAfter long chat and sharing my experiences I asked him to come for meditation to resolve his problem. At 8.45pm we started session which is semi-ritualistic. We meditated in my spiritual clinic room, Lord Ram, Saraswati Devi and at last Sirdi Saibaba sitting in cross legged posture turning to Lord Shiva in same posture.
KM had images of snakes, Lord Vishnu on a Horse turning to Kalratri (Kali).
He wanted to continue session, which we started after making him lying down. Left side there was a light which I asked him to follow, later it came to the center, guiding him to pass through the tunnel which he could not. Ny (his new friend) was telling him to go little by little to move towards the light. There was old war ship which he could see from below, on the top of the ship there was a bright trident, sky was blue and large face of Lord Shiva. Later he could go inside the ship and then towards the Lord Shiva. Ny was around, both entered the central third eye of Lord to enter into void.
There was a orange sun which turned into Ny's face, his eyes opened.
Nayana is clairvoyant, guiding KM during last six month of difficult period and now in meditation. When she last visited his home she drew a symbol of Yin and Yang.
18th April 2013
5th Feb 2014
Called to have session immediately. Came around 3.45pm. During meditation I could visualize flying Devi and then saw several Gods. Energy was flowing around my heart. When I checked KM his head was rotating and he wanted to lye down to meditate and immediately in deep trance.
" I became white bird high up, can see the earth down, sky is blue, there is no pain but no joy also. there is a burning tree, flames are reducing and I am sitting and meditating. As the fire coming down many snake coming towards me, surrounding me. Not scared of them they are surrounding my body but body is not seen. Now one snake remaining and it is Lord Shiva meditating. Fire has extinguished. Can see the hill where there is tree and Lord Shiva is sitting in dark. Tree has giving leaves and blooming again. Different kind of fruits are growing on the tree. Can see one leg of Shiva and HE started dancing (Happy dance). Trishul has gone into sky towards Sun and become one with Yellow bright sunlight."
He opened eyes after powerful short meditation which was more metaphorical then literal. It was like day dreaming without any control of him.
After loosing his job KM was depressed and going through lots of introspection but unable to meditate.