SN called me after long time his wife had posterior circulation stroke. He was very depressed she was disoriented and admitted in ICU. After discharge she came home but still disoriented. I suggested to do Psychosurgery. He was trying Homeopathy, Acupuncture and Reiki. He was my Reiki Guru. After 3 days of intense Psychosurgery when Ma Kali appeared and opened the brain remove all clots and cleaned it with Hibiscus flower her favorite. On 4th day SN called me that she got up in the mooring and started recognizing everyone and later started cooking and doing Pooja. Stroke has natural recovery but it varies from person to person especially in young recovery is good due to Neuroplasticity.
Dr. Narasimhan 60 years old came from Parthi for a manor stroke he had fall while sitting on toilet, and transient weakness of the hand. MRI showed stenosis of ICA and small vessel infarcts. He was not hypertensive or Diabetic. Patent Foramen Ovale was found and Cardiologist suspect embolization from heart. But he never had any similar symptom before. Next day I did intense Psychosurgery to open the block. He came after 2 days and did CT Angio to confirm the stenosis but it was normal. They suspected due to low sensitivity of MRI Angio it may be false positive. But I new It was Psychoangioplasty. Later Dr Dass came from Bhubaneswar and closed PFO which they suspected as cause of embolic stroke.
My Daughter in Law had Ethmoid sinusitis and she was posted for surgery which she was very scared and reluctant. I did Psycho opening of Ethmoid sinus to drain the pus. next day she was asymptomatic and they avoided surgery.
My brother had hazy vision post operatively after cataract surgery due to mesh in front of lens and they wanted to do lesser surgery to remove it. I did Psychosurgery to remove the mesh and surgery was avoided.