Friday, July 21, 2023

Fear of Dark and Claustrophobia

My elder brother went through AVR on 22nd of June 2023. Next day of operation there was bleeding in the chest, so they reopened it. He had regained consciousness after returning but was paralyzed by muscle relaxant. He was thirsty and asking for water but could not move. He had recurring similar experiences since childhood "trapped under a collapsed building and not able to move. The same fear returned after the operation. Post operative period he was not able to sleep at night due to fear of darkness and claustrophobia. He would open all doors and keep the light on. I was not sure which medicine to use. Chat GPT suggested Aconite and a few other homeopathic medications for fear. Aconite was best since it was used for similar type of experience post anesthesia. After using Aconite 200 for a few days his fear slowly went off and now he can sleep in a closed room.